So for the first time in a long time I am lost. Lost on how to strategize a fishing scenario with my own brain and the tools I own. These fish are some of the most hated fish in N. America due to many factoids that only pertain to them. One, they have the shortest G.I. tract (mouth to anus) of any animal in the world, so when they eat, its pretty immediate that they shit. So the lakes fill
up with shit, which floats. Which is so ironic because its the entire reason they are put into lakes and water hazards etc to control algae and plant populations from growing high. But instead you get tons of shit. I don't believe the Game and Fish and owners of golf courses thought this one through. Plus, once the plants and vegetation are non-existent so are the other species of fish not to mention lack of oxygen due to the ''shit problem'' I just mentioned.
But these fish are spectacularly large. Huge carp like ghosts parading the surface of water slurping literally, grass. They come up to the bank and slurp the grass right off the shore. ITS CRAZY TO VIEW. So I am asking anyone if they know any good grass carp flies? Or things that work? Because apparently I do not know what I am doing? I've tried every fly under the sun to no avail. Shout me an email and I'll post it up here. Or... try my message board below at the bottom. AND OF COURSE CATCH N RELEASE ALL FISH.
On AnOtHeR nOtE... Recently some people have been posting some really nasty comments (which I deleted) about my blog. You would think, or at least I would think, that people would appreciate this blog to open up doors of local fishing pubs that could be entered without
problems. I have been supporting catch n' release and ethical fishing practices since I began fishing. If anyone knows wildlife laws and fishing ethics , it's me. It really pisses me off when someone comes on here and trashes my website because I informed every fisherman about a secret only they know. Which of course is the real reason there all pissy at me. Of course I do not want people to get fined by the Game and Fish and Wildlife wardens. Of course I do not want you to kill fish so we have none left to fish for. Of course I'm not stupid. So if your going to leave something idiotically jealous and pompous, fuck off. Ill delete it within 5 anyways.